Changelog DigiDemoBord
Below are the most important changes for each new version of the DigiDemoBord.
Version 2.4.2 (20241228): Writing result in PGN files
This version fixes writing of the result of a game in PGN files:
- the Result tag is now filled correctly in case of stalemate or mate (and is * in all other cases)
- the result is always written at the end of the game / move series
Version 2.4.1 (20241129): Annotations in variants in PGN
This version fixes issues in reading and writing PGN files:
- annotations in PGN files in (at the start of) a variant were not shown
- annotations and comments (slide information) of a variant were not written in the PGN file
Version 2.4 (20240913): Export of PGN
- added export to PGN (most information is included, i.e. text, annotations and variations; slides are not included)
- upgraded website to Minimal Mistakes 2.26.0
- upgraded Quill to version 2
Version 2.3.2 (20240507): Minor updates
- Manual updated
- If previous data can be loaded (when starting), this is not automatically loaded, but a message indicating that you can load this is at the top of the welcome message. Reload can be done via Ctrl+R. Suggested by one of the users.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for editing mode: add position/slide/variant with Alt p/s/v in editor mode, and start/stop recording with Alt+o.
- Doubleclick slide area gives slide. Shift and Ctrl in combination with the additions above does not work (?).
- Made RMB the alternative (in move/annotation mode). And also disabled (app-wide) context menu.
- Removed ‘Afsluiten’ menu option. It did not really work, and it is also not needed (closing the tab does the same).
- Removed popup note for board. The popup for the board is not required, and is inconvenient when using the app.
- Removed pos geselecteerd messages. Status messages hide error messages (need to have a better system there). Status messages are thus prevented.
- Added function to accept settings keys. Using Ctrl+I brings you in settings key reception mode, after which another key can change a setting. Currently, only ‘g’ is implemented (gray scale schaakbord).
- Internal: added functions for cache storage. Added store and load json from cache functions.
Version 2.3.1 (20231117): Bug fix release
PGN files with blue arrows were not imported. This has been fixed.
Version 2.3.0 (20230616): Better import of pgn files
In version 2.3.0, a new version of pgn-parser (thanks @mliebelt!) has been integrated. As a consequence, the following is now supported (some extensions to the initial PGN standard, e.g. present in files generated by Lichess):
- a game / position without moves
- comments with a game / position (will end up in slide)
- annotations (arrows and circles) with a game / positions
- annotations (arrows and circles) with a move
Internally, the representation of the colors of the annotations has been updated, and the file format (color representation) is changed. Old files can still be used.
Also, naming of a game / position based on PGN tags is slightly improved. In case of no player names (or names with a ‘?’), the event name will be used (and no dates will be added).
Version 2.2.0 (20230605): More bug fixes and new features
The following is updated in version 2.2.0:
- digidemobord version nr added to cache names in browser
- increased version nr of file format, as annotations are now also part of the files
- adding nodes in reading from a ddb file will automatically update the node information to the newest tree (and file format) type
- clicking at the left side of a square in annotation mode resulted in an arrow; this now is fixed, and the right shape will be drawn.
- in slides with an image, the conversion of wP to a white horse did not work; has been fixed
Enhancements / New features:
- slide area is always editable in presentation mode (even if no slide defined)
- annotations are now also stored in the tree, and saved to the .ddb-files; annotations made in editor mode are saved (persistent), whereas annotations made in presentation mode are not stored (and removed when moving to editor mode, or to another position)
- zen-mode options: to get a more quiet user interface, the spare pieces and the buttons to the right of the chess board can be hidden. Toggling visibility goes via either double clicking (spare pieces area, or area between the two button groups), or via ‘z’ (spare pieces) and ‘Z’ (button area)
- tutorial updated for new features
- added voorbeeld-noteren.ddb, an example ddb file that explains notation
Version 2.1.0 (202305): First update of 2.0.0 version, with bug fixes and new features
The following is updated in version 2.1.0:
- changes in the color to play (white or black) are now seen as changes of the position.
- copying a slide in the tree view does not give a ‘shared’ text anymore (i.e. changing the original slide does not change the copy anymore, and also vice versa)
- welcome slide is now also shown in chrome and edge (on my system)
- fixed issue with remaining pieces on board after deleting many (position) nodes ‘simultaneously’. As a consequence, selecting a new position directly shows the board, and does not use an animation (i.e. moving the pieces around)
Enhancements / Features:
- after creating a position, changes to the board (or color to play) are directly updated in the position (unless there is already at least one move stored with the position).
- comments in PGN files are now also integrated as text with moves or slide nodes (on request of user)
- added option to store the turn indicator (black or white circle) in the screenshot (on request of user); for this, the turn indicator now always is at the right of the board, also for flipped boards. This is now the default option. If you do NOT want the turn indicator, press Ctrl when clicking the screenshot menu option.
- added three other shapes for annotations on a field (next to circle): minus, plus and (filled) square. Selection is done via the button that prevoiusly only selected color
Version 2.0.0 (20230102): First official 2.0.0 version, with several fixes compared to 2.0.0b
Version 2.0.0 is the first official 2.0 version. The following is updated:
- Fixed: When typing wK in the slide editor when in large font, the typed letters were large but the replacement symbol was normal sized. Now the same size is retained
- Fixed: buttons at the right of black and white pieces did not seem to work.
- Fixed: dropping a ddb-file without positions (only slides) did not work
- When dropping / loading an illegal file, the original contents is now retained.
- Fixed: If first move of a variant changes, then the parent node (variant) is updated.
- Fixed: When the window (and board) become very small, the buttons at the right start overlapping; solveed by scaling these buttons when they become too small
- Fixed/added: no Alt for shortcuts (some are absorbed by browsers)
- PgUp : prev pos ( + Ctrl –> first)
- Home : first pos
- End : last pos
- PgDown : next pos ( + Ctrl –> last)
- Space : forward (only first level, with Shift complete tree)
- Backspace: backward (only first level, with Shift complete tree)
- Arrow down: next (same level), Ctrl –> end
- Arrow up: prev (same level), Ctrl –> first
- Arrow right: into
- Arrow left: up from
- Ctrl + click in adding node: add before
- Shift + click in adding node: add as child
- Ctrl+S voor Saving
- Ctrl+O voor Opening
- Slides can be constructed as a child from a slide: when Shift+Click on add slide, a slide will be added as a child. Also the icon for a full-screen slide (square) is added when a slide is selected (and Shift-click for before)
Version 2.0.0b (20220711): Large upgrade, with slides, variants and better file format
Version 2.0.0b is the beta version for 2.0.0. Version 2.0.0 (soon to follow) is a large update of the DigiDemoBord. The most important changes:
- position and move lists are now integrated in one (tree) representation
- it is possible to add / store variants (e.g. alternatives for a move)
- slides (i.e. text) can be stored with moves, positions, or without or position
- new file format (.ddb) that permits saving (and loading) this information
- previous file formats (.txt and .pgn) are still supported (reading only)
- improved status info display
- replaced the (sometimes hidden) bottom button bar with a standard dropdown menu from a menu button (at the top right)
- messages are printed to the (new) fixed bottom bar
- presentation screen in editor mode has the same aspect ratio as the main window
- turn indicators (white/black circles) added to show color to play
- some preparations for internationalization
- code reorganized, and used closure compiler to reduce final html size
- illegal move check (illegal moves are still allowed, but are shown in the list in a different color)
- visual indication for drag-and-drop support
- added introduction slide for start-up
- integrated tutorial in DigiDemoBord (accessible via main menu)
- removed move search
- removed markdown editing from slide editor (plugin used was not stable)
version 1.7.1 (20220516): Fixed bug on statusline in building position
- Fixed that W and Z labels (whose turn it is) were not added to status line.
- Fixed issue in building position from pieces typed on a line.
version 1.7 (20220510): Added drag-and-drop and copy-paste support
- added copy-paste support: you can now paste text onto the chess board, and it will automatically be interpreted. Pasted text may contain a FEN (to specify a position), or one or more PGN games (which will be added to the current positions and moves).
- added drag-and-drop support: files can be dragged onto the presentation screen, and those files will then be read. Files can be PGN files, or other files that you can read with the DigiDemoBord. When dropped, the contents of the files will replace the current set of positions and moves. If Ctrl is pressed when dropping, the contents of the files will be added to the current set of positions and moves.
- when opening a file, multiple files can now be selected, and all will be read.
- added message line (at the bottom), that may contain messages from DigiDemoBord.
version 1.6 (20220423): Added NotePad (schoolbord) next to chessboard
- Added notepad (kladblok) to the left of the chess board. This can be used to type and show text. Text can be easily formatted, and also chess piece symbols can be shown (use e.g. zK for the black king). Markdown is used for the formatting, this allows for easy integration of bold, italics, headings, (numbered or bullet) lists and checkboxes. At the moment, this text can not be stored. THe plan for a future version is to be able to also store this text with positions and move series in advance, such that you can prepare both the chess materials, and the accompanying text. There is a button on the bottom button bar to turn on/off the kladblok. For more information on the use of the kladblok, consult the manual.
version 1.5.3 (202202022): Using chess symbols instead of letters
- Replaced capital letters in UI by chess symbols (when typing these letters, they will be replaced by the corresponding symbol as well).
version 1.5.2 (20210109): Better check of castling move
- When moving a king from e1 to g1 (or one of the other potential castling moves), castling is only performed if the rook is on it’s original place, and the squares in between are empty. Castling is still performed if King is check, or if the King or Rook have been moved earlier in the game (as this information is not always available).
- In editor mode, when selecting a new position, the position name is filled in.
version 1.5.1 (20200322): Minor UI changes
- Added double-click as trigger for showing (and hiding) button bar in presentation screen (convenient for touch screens)
- Minor changes of the representation of the position name + move at the top left
- Minor update of the manual, now also includes a list of ‘good to know’ things
- Removed some unused (not working) keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed ‘E’ keyboard shortcut (also working with new record button)
version 1.5 (20200317): Major UI update, PGN reading, image capturing, better help
Major change of the user interface:
- Two modes: presentation and editor
- Changed (almost) all buttons to images / icons
- Added button-bar at bottom
- Reorganized layout of buttons in presentation screen
- Simplified adding and editing of positions and moves
- Removed (almost all) key shortcuts
- Added import of PGN files
- Added board snapshot module
- Added context-sensitive help, and added notes.
- Slightly changed display of moves (to match standard notation)
- Updated documentation to match updated UI and context-sensitive help
version 1.4 (20201103): UI look-and-feel update
- Updated documentation and documentation preparation (html).
- Changed look of UI to match website.
- Annotation/move mode is now visualized with an icon (blue circle/black pawn).
- Double-click will switch between annotation and move mode.
- Added license refs to source files.
version 1.3 (20201014)
- Fixed issue with getting ‘blue’ positions for positions without associated moves.
- Flipped the order of the ui elements for entering positions of the black and white pieces (black is now on top, matching the default board layout).
- Minor changes in manual
- If a move done manually matches the corresponding move back from the move list, it will be assumed that the move from the move list is taken back.
- Automatically installs both mouse and touch event handlers
- Added reset of moves input field upone removing moves.
- Some updates that permit easy adding of elements:
- automatic move to the next relevant UI element if entering values with Enter;
- moved black pieces to above white pieces (matches default board with black on top).
- (Shift-)Enter in moves field will turn off move recording mode.
- Shift-Enter will append moves, Enter will replace moves.
- Move or position buttons that can not be used are disabled.
- Added automatic time-stamping of filenames: Filenames (when saved) have an additional timestamp (date+time); and this timestamp is removed from the UI (status_filename). Also added a initial ui_config, that allows to turn this option off.
- Code aangepast voor gitlab and new repository name.
- It is possible to select no (one before first) position; this allows to also insert positions at the front of the position list.
version 1.2a
- minor doc changes, and moved from pandoc-xnos to pandoc-crossref
version 1.2
- No important functionality changes.
- Improved documentation via pandoc: pdf and html.
- Added generation of complete (inlined) html-application, such that no images, css or js files are required.
version 1.1
- Complete rewrite of digidemobord.js, fixed several earlier issues (such as not detecting special moves when manually moving pieces around).
- Minor UI changes:
- Enter in text-input with pieces or FEN automatically applies the pieces / FEN.
- Added buttons right to these text-inputs to get fill these text-inputs from the board.
- File handling buttons are disabled when not applicable.
- Buttons in bottom right (for stepping through positions and moves) are only visible if there are positions in the position list.
- Updated the display in the moves list.
- Text font set to normal (instead of large).
- Alignment of UI elements in left and right panel is now (more or less) aligned with the board.
- Punctuation (.,;) is permitted in text-inputs for moves or pieces.
- En passent moves are now labeled with ‘_ep’.
version 1.0
Initial version of the digidemobord.